Teams: Reflect to understand the mood of students

Teams: Reflect to understand the mood of students
The dematerialization of the physical relationship between teacher and student, which is inevitable with distance learning, can make it difficult for professionals to understand how pupils feel once the lesson is over. Fortunately, technology can come to the rescue: this is testified by one of the announcements arrived today from the virtual stage of the BETTFest 2021 event where Microsoft confirmed the integration of Reflect in Teams.

Teams with Reflect to understand the mood of the students

The Reflect app is developed specifically to collect feedback on how students feel, on their moods. It is also important in light of the difficult period that young people are facing, deprived of their social activity. The debut is not immediate: we will have to wait for the next few months when it will appear in Education Insights. This is how the Redmond group describes it in the press release we received in the editorial office.

... a new feature that allows teachers to strengthen the dialogue with their students, deepening their state of mind in a particularly historical moment complex and discussing with them on more specific topics related to teaching and the topics under study. Starting this spring, Reflect will have its own app within Microsoft Teams and will integrate with Education Insights.

Staying on topic, again on the occasion of BETTFest 2021, Microsoft has the Didactic in Act project for teachers has been announced for Italy. It takes shape in the form of a portal that collects on-demand training courses aimed at those who daily find themselves having to manage lessons.

Source: Microsoft