Merry Christmas to ...

Merry Christmas to ...
Merry Christmas to the backgrounds during video calls.

Merry Christmas to the “# andràtuttobene” on the balconies.

Merry Christmas to the SPIDs.

Merry Christmas to the pulse oximeters.

Merry Christmas to the runners.

Merry Christmas to the lockdown runners who have already quit.

Merry Christmas to the webinars.

Merry Christmas to the “can you hear me? I can't hear you "

Merry Christmas to the scooters.

Merry Christmas to the deniers.

Merry Christmas to the indignant.

Merry Christmas to the economic experts , medicine, psychology and horoscopes.

Merry Christmas even if noncielodikono.

Merry Christmas to Immuni.

Happy Easter. Oh no? (cit.)

Merry Christmas to smart working repentants (coffee break is not the same thing).

Merry Christmas to WhatsApp groups.

Merry Christmas to servers INPS.

Merry Christmas to your webcams.

Merry Christmas, Alexa.

Merry Christmas to workouts on YouTube.

Merry Christmas to PornHub (first free, then halved).

Merry Christmas to DPCMs.

Merry Christmas to bonuses.

Merry Christmas to whom Zoom, who Meet and who Teams.

Merry Christmas with 10% cashback.

Merry Christmas to the Amazon courier.

Merry Christmas to the templates. And to the fogged glasses.

Merry Christmas to the red areas.

Merry Christmas to self-certifications.

Merry Christmas to football in August.

Merry Christmas in streaming.

Merry Christmas to virologists.

Merry Christmas both FOR Christmas and WITH Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you and family to your relatives.

Merry Christmas to whatever has warmed your heart this 2020.

Merry Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS indeed.