Monster Hunter Rise, Capcom promises new information in January

Monster Hunter Rise, Capcom promises new information in January
Through a year-end message from Monster Hunter Rise Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Director Yasunori Ichinose, Capcom has promised new information on the game by the end of January.

The two developers, in fact, in the video, after due thanks to all Monster Hunter fans, they said they are in the middle of the works of both upcoming releases of the Capcom series for Nintendo Switch (in case you were wondering the second game is Monster Hunter Stories 2 : Wings of Ruins). As for Monster Hunter Rise, moreover, the first information is around the corner, as it will be released during the first weeks of this 2021.

In the meantime, the development studio has released a new Monster TV sport Hunter Rise, while the much talked-about Monster Hunter movie starring Milla Jovovic is due to hit theaters.

A great year for all the monster hunters out there, don't you think?

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