Hell Let Loose: Developers Begin Work on Update 9

Hell Let Loose: Developers Begin Work on Update 9
After a few publications that did not directly concern the content of the game, the developers of Hell Let Loose have returned to work and are now working on the next update.

This one is not still dated, its content is for the moment mysterious, and its functionalities remain to be discovered. This will all become clearer in the coming months, but in the meantime, the developers are talking about the first changes that will be part of the next chapter of Hell Let Loose. First of all, the team indicates that it will soon be able to carry out a large optimization of textures, allowing GPUs to be less stressed and players with "weak" configurations to better enjoy the title. Concretely, instead of creating three textures for each of the weapons and pieces of equipment, there will only be three in total, divided into three more.

Then, through the application of precise commands, the right texture will be applied. According to the developers, in addition to optimizing the title, this will allow to have overall nicer textures for more players. Black Matter also indicates that the issues related to zeroing have been fixed and that the bullets should behave more realistic in game. Other issues, particularly related to the turret mounted, are being fixed. Finally, the developers end their briefing with a very small image, and by inviting players to guess which weapon it is.