Apple Watch 7 could be a huge help against diabetes

Apple Watch 7 could be a huge help against diabetes
Apple Watch 7 and Galaxy Watch 4 could take another leap forward when it comes to monitoring people's health. Up to now, important standards have been reached such as heart rate monitoring, including situations involving arrhythmias, but also blood pressure level. A huge added value for millions of people, even considering the fact that they are almost automatic and non-invasive operations.

The technology is moving fast and, according to ETNews reports, Samsung is in the pipeline in providing one smartwatch that can monitor blood glucose. According to the source, besides the Korean company, the upcoming Apple Watch 7 will also be able to do so.

If such a technology were ready, it would be a huge advantage for all diabetics because they could be under control when they want , wherever they want and in a totally non-invasive way. Still talking about medical monitoring via smartwatches, a recent study has given very encouraging results regarding heart rate measured by Apple Watch and Covid-19.

But how does monitoring work?

First of all, the measurement takes place using the Raman spectroscopy technique which uses the diffusion of a monochromatic electromagnetic radiation on a specific surface. In this way we can analyze the chemical composition that is present and, in this case, we are talking about the amount of glucose inside the blood.

Clearly, as well as giving enormous help to individuals suffering from forms of diabetes, such a technology could also be used on people who are without it, in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle and even more accurate by monitoring the blood parameter.

ETNews reports that big brands like Samsung and Apple will use it on Watch 4 and Watch series 7 but that they will not be able to introduce it at the same time in every state. This is because everyone must have the approval of the medical control bodies that will certify the effectiveness of such an important technology.

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