State Cashback: It's not a Click Day, don't push

State Cashback: It's not a Click Day, don't push
Perhaps something went wrong on the communication front if in the days of the debut of the State Cashback, the IO application and the related services were inaccessible for a long time (the problems still do not seem completely resolved). Yet the intentions should not have been the umpteenth Click Day: no race for the contribution as in the case of the mess linked to the disbursement of the Mobility Voucher, to give one of the most recent examples. There is time to register, you can do it calmly.

There is time to join the State Cashback

The FAQ section of the official website, updated precisely for respond to the many questions asked by citizens through social media profiles. To take part in the State Cashback there is no deadline, there is no rush. However, it must be borne in mind that the reimbursement can only be accrued after joining: in other words, the expenses made before activating it in the IO app (or through one of the Affiliated Issuers) will not be counted.

No , it is not a Click Day: you can choose to participate at any time, for the duration of the program. Consider that Cashback is divided into four periods, each independent from the others: the sooner you sign up, the sooner you start accumulating valid transactions and the possibility of obtaining the related refunds.

Let's close with an image that is useful to understand what it has caused the malfunctions of IO in recent days, a high volume of simultaneous connections, arrived in some peaks on Monday to touch 6,000 requests every second. The graph represents the authentications made via SPID and Electronic Identity Card.

Source: IO