Microsoft buys Kojima Productions? Not exactly

Microsoft buys Kojima Productions? Not exactly
Microsoft has acquired Kojima Productions! This is one of the latest incredible rumors to emerge in the past few hours in the gaming field, and it is truly incredible as it seems to be a sort of joke developed by a Spanish magazine.

The rumor has started on the pages of the magazine Spanish Hobby Consolas, very famous at home but also known abroad as one of the major newspapers of the Iberian country as regards video games. The reported article reads a sensational title to say the least: "Confirmed the new study acquired by Microsoft, it will be Kojima Productions!"

The security with which the news is reported is already a first alarm bell, considering the strangeness of such an event and the fact that it is not reported practically anywhere.

In fact it is a kind of joke by the Spanish magazine: as also explained by some users in the comments on Twitter, readers of the magazine, the "news" is reported in a section of Hobby Consolas which usually hosts rather daring hype, jokes or assumptions, made above all to try and stimulate discussion, always in a somewhat amused way.

After all, it is true that Microsoft has accustomed us to sensational moves as we have seen with the acquisition of ZeniMax / Bethesda, and also that it is looking for new teams to acquire in Japan, but from here to think about a purchase. or in block of the team of Hideo Kojima there runs. Not that this can't happen, in any case, we'll see.

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