Zoom: Handshake with AWS for the cloud and beyond

Zoom: Handshake with AWS for the cloud and beyond
The announcement of the renewed and strengthened partnership with AWS arrives on the day when Zoom publishes the financial results of the quarterly ended October 31 (revenue + 367% year on year). The agreement provides not only that Amazon's global cloud infrastructure is the basis of the service, but also a collaboration aimed at developing new solutions for smart working and more generally for remote collaboration.

AWS (Amazon) for the future of Zoom

With the intention of continuing the strong growth trend triggered this year, the company will make its platform accessible to enterprise users through some of the devices produced and marketed by the giant e-commerce starting from those of the Echo line with Alexa virtual assistant. Below are translated the words of CEO Eric S. Yuan, in effect a declaration of intent.

We aspire to provide the most innovative, secure, reliable and quality communication platform for help people connect, collaborate, build and learn about Zoom.

We recall that in the spring, in April, Zoom chose to base its platform on the Oracle cloud, with the aim of increasing both performance and reliability from a safety point of view.

Zoom and Amazon are two of the hi-tech companies that last month, in conjunction with the announcement of the first vaccines for COVID-19, suffered a backlash on the stock market: the return, even if partial, to normality pre-emergency will have a negative impact on the demand for the services provided.

Source: Amazon