Twitch has removed the “Blind Playthrough” tag so as not to offend the blind

Twitch has removed the “Blind Playthrough” tag so as not to offend the blind
Twitch has completely removed the Blind Playthrough tag following some controversy sparked by an association for the protection of disabled people, evidently offended by the reference to blindness.

The Blind Playthrough tag indicated lives where streamers first played a title without knowing anything. To give news of the removal, sparking an uproar, was the community director Erin 'Aureylian' Wayne, who spoke of the criticisms received and the consequent choice to adopt a more inclusive language. Instead, use the First Playthrough and No Spoilers tags, which together make the concept of Blind Playthrough.

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The tag was criticized in particular by Steven Spohn of the AbleGamers association, which is responsible for making video games usable even by disabled people, in order to make them feel more included.

Many however did not accept Twitch's choice, stressing that the word blind is not necessarily a reference to disability, but has more meanings.
