It is still too early to say, but this announcement comes together with the canonical end / beginning of the year wishes and a reference to the new DLC of Devil May Cry V dedicated to Vergil. Is that a clue?
"Happy New Year! Have you played Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition? If you've got new hardware, play it. Until then, practice Vergil's DLC. The new project is under construction in parallel proceeding smoothly. There is still a long way to go, but wait for the announcement! "
The photo with the actors of Devil May Cry and the reference to the DLC would suggest a new chapter of the 'action starring Dante, but the arrival of the Netflix series linked to Dragon's Dogma and the latest rumors coming from the leak of information from Capcom could give hope to fans of this excellent role-playing game. Unless it is something new and therefore unpredictable.
What are you hoping for?
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