With the Street Fighter 6 beta, a lot of players are experimenting with all the features offered by the next game in the series, including of course the character editor. However, as it was to be expected, someone got carried away a little and started to create real monsters, which perhaps don't really belong to a fighting game but to a horror movie.
Over the last few days, in fact, social networks like Twitter have been literally invaded by screenshots and videos showing the various characters deliberately created to amaze and leave a sense of shock. Deformed, unrealistic and obviously very impractical bodies to fight are the trend of this beta, which has shown how fantasy and the desire to joke are two characteristics that Street Fighter 6 players do not lack. We go from absolutely unrealistic proportions up to characters that could really carve out a place in some horror movies that we could call B-movies.
The character editor is not the only novelty in Street Fighter 6. Over the past few months, Capcom has unveiled a lot of details of the new game in the series, which will include several new features that we have already covered at this address. Now it remains to be seen if when the title comes out the players will prefer to continue with the path of absurdities or will prefer to focus on what will be real masterpieces in terms of character design. When in doubt, we prefer a mix of the two, because a bit of weirdness never hurts, especially in the world of video games.
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Street Fighter 6 will debut in 2023 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X and PC via Steam. At the moment Capcom has not yet announced a precise release date, but it is not excluded that a launch window or the actual release date cannot be revealed towards the end, perhaps during The Game Awards. Keep following geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from the world of video games.