Overwatch 2: Real official charms cost less than in-game virtual ones

Overwatch 2: Real official charms cost less than in-game virtual ones

Overwatch 2

If you want to understand one of the paradoxes of our time, now you can buy a real official Overwatch 2 charm for less than what you would pay for a virtual one through microtransactions. The fact that a physical asset costs less than a virtual one has led many players to resume the controversy over the very high prices of In-game purchases of Overwatch 2.

Incidentally, in the official Blizzard USA shop it is possible to buy a Pachimari keychain Jinx 3D for $ 5, as well as many other in-game items for the same price (e.g. Snowball, Mei's pet, Reaper's mask, and more), where the equivalent Pachimari charm costs 700 Overwatch Coins in-game. Considering that 1,000 coins cost $ 9.99, the price of the virtual good is about $ 7, two more than the real one.

If you opt for the more expensive bundle of coins, the 99.99 one. dollars, the price of the virtual object remains higher and higher, even though it drops to around 6 dollars.

In the UK, things are slightly better, but only because the price of the real object is much higher than the US one: 8 pounds, compared to about 5.87 to buy the virtual one. Although in this case the real keychain is more expensive, it is always worth remembering that, unlike the other, it is a physical and tangible object, not a graphic element, albeit a nice one.

Obviously these comparisons have fueled the flames of Overwatch 2's microtransaction pricing controversy. Some on Reddit even joked that Blizzard could raise the price of the actual item if the complaints got too hot.

In defense of Blizzard it must be said that the price of virtual objects does not only include the value of the same, but also that of the game itself, whose development costs were certainly considerable and that, as free -to-play, somewhere must try to recover them. It must also be said that making a virtual object takes time and work, so we are not talking about something so obvious.

The fact remains that it is difficult to accept the higher cost of a virtual object over a real one, probably for a purely cultural question. When we all live in the metaverses and our social status is determined by the value of the objects worn by our avatar, reality will no longer have any value.

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