Will Paranormal Tales Rewrite Horror History? Maybe not, but it's really scary

Will Paranormal Tales Rewrite Horror History? Maybe not, but it's really scary

Will Paranormal Tales Rewrite Horror History? Maybe not

Leaving aside decidedly borderline experiments like Downfall, horror games have remained on some very specific tracks. Among these is obviously the first person, exploited by truly disturbing products such as Visage and the Amnesia series. With Paranormal Tales, however, everything changes: the video game developed by the Horror Cam Committee and published by Joure in fact uses a small but ingenious pretext: no longer a first-person view, but more like a "body cam".

With this little premise, it's definitely easy to create a really very scary horror. And the developers themselves specify it: Paranormal Tales contains hours and hours of paranormal experiences, which aim to try to instill terror in the player as much as possible. "You will hardly get to the end of the road," reads the official Steam page of the product. And looking at the trailer, in fact, it is quite easy to understand why.

The choice of the first-person camera is in fact perfect for two reasons: the first is related to costs, with a whole series of animations and of 3D modeling absent. The second, on the other hand, concerns diving. The body cam view in fact allows you to immerse yourself even better in a dark forest or a haunted house and could paradoxically be a new point of reference for all indie developers looking for something new to implement within their games. . You can check out the Paranormal Tales trailer below right away.| ); }