The Hour of Witches is the new trailer for Bayonetta 3

The Hour of Witches is the new trailer for Bayonetta 3

October 28, 2022 will mark the end of the wait for many Nintendo fans. In fact, in just under two weeks, Bayonetta 3 will officially debut, more than three years after the announcement, which took place during E3 2019. After a long time of silence, Nintendo's radar was unleashed, disclosing a lot of information about the new game , including a new trailer released just today.

It's hard not to spoil, as often happens with Nintendo games. The new trailer for Bayonetta 3 (which follows the publication of our preview that you can find here) lasts 4 minutes and the title is a reference to an important element of the game. Called "The Witches Hour", the unreleased movie shows us (as specified by the Kyoto house) the various witches present within the title. All alternating the narrative, probably altered to avoid very important anticipations and gameplay scenes, ranging from simple exploration to combat.

Bayonetta 3 will not be the only game in the series to receive a release this month . In the course of the next few weeks, the physical version of the first chapter will officially debut, which was initially included only in the physical copies of the second chapter. The remastering of the game for Nintendo Switch is now decidedly old, given that it was released in 2018, but it can be useful to recover it for all those who have never played it or who want to look into the series, as well as for collecting reasons.| ); }