Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 had a somewhat problematic launch from a technical point of view, due to DDoS attacks and overcrowding on servers, as well as some more internal issues to fix such as bugs, so Blizzard has decided to offer some rewards to players to get themselves forgive any inconvenience and thank you for the warm welcome anyway.We saw just yesterday that Bastion and Torbjörn have been temporarily removed and that the game has received a third DDoS attack, after going through the bug. automatic purchase and two other previous DDoS attacks, so it can be said that the launch of Overwatch 2, despite being positively received by the press and the public, was a bit troubled.
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To put some peace, Blizzard has therefore decided to give something: we are talking about two weekends of additional bonus experience points, which will allow players to advance faster in the Battle Pass, as well as a new Charm in the shape of a medpack and a skin called Cursed Captain Reaper, which you can see in the images above in the official tweet.
For the rest, the game continues its path just started, considering that the road ahead is very long. In the meantime it is already a particularly played and broadcast title on Twitch, while as far as we are concerned we refer you to our evaluations with the Overwatch 2 review.
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‘Overwatch 2’ Players Will Get Some Free Stuff To Make Up For The Rough Launch — But Not Much
Overwatch 2 health pack Weapon Charm
Blizzard EntertainmentMany Overwatch 2 players (and those who haven’t even been able to get into a server yet) have been wondering what Blizzard will do to make up for the major issues that have plagued the game since last week’s launch. As it turns out, the first attempt at a makegood is not great.
First, the good news: you’ll get some free stuff. You can claim a health pack weapon charm and a Cursed Captain Reaper skin. There will also be two weekends where you can earn double XP for playing matches (it doesn’t seem this will apply to the XP you earn from challenges). The dates will be revealed later.
But, uh, that’s it for now.
Blizzard isn’t offering Overwatch Coins or even a discount on Season 2’s premium Battle Pass. Nor does a blog post mention if players who were kicked out of Competitive games when servers went offline for maintenance won’t face any penalties for leaving a game. Last night, there was emergency downtime that lasted for about an hour and suddenly ended everyone’s matches.
I dont mean to devalue the effort and care that Team 4’s talented artists have put into these cosmetics. The weapon charm is cute and the Reaper skin is cool — I imagine that was going to be one of the cosmetics players could earn or buy during the upcoming Halloween event. Thankfully, given that Blizzard is still working on the server problems, you won’t have to log into the game right away to earn these goodies. As long as you log in between October 25 and the season ending on December 6, those cosmetics should appear in your collection.
MORE FROM FORBESOverwatch 2's Brutal Launch Day Issues Were The Cherry On Top Of A Messy DebutBy Kris HoltBlizzard, which has apologized for the Overwatch 2 launch problems, has been working hard to address all the issues. “We’ve largely stabilized the game overall, and we’ve made a lot of progress in fixing or improving issues some of you are facing,” the blog post reads. “We're committed to consistently investigating issues as they arise, working quickly towards fixes, and being transparent with our community on the status of Overwatch 2.”
More stability updates are in the pipeline. Team 4 plans to roll out another patch later this week, for instance. Blizzard is also keeping a watchful eye out for new issues and bugs.
MORE FROM FORBESBlizzard Is Putting Two 'Overwatch 2' Heroes On The Shelf To Fix Some BugsBy Kris HoltYesterday, Blizzard took Bastion entirely out of commission and yanked Torbjörn from Competitive Play to address some bugs with both heroes. Neither have returned to all modes yet. Here’s hoping those problems and the other major issues are cleared up very soon.
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