The official website dedicated to Naruto announces a new anime inspired by the homonymous masterpiece by Masashi Kishimoto to celebrate 20 years of the anime adaptation produced by the animation studio Pierrot and aired for the first time in October 2002 .
It is, in particular, a new anime composed of 4 original episodes never seen before and the broadcast will begin in September 2023 . Stay with us to find out more information on the new exciting raids of the ninja of the Leaf who made the history behind the genius of master Kishimoto.
Also starting from July 2023 through Japanese TV Naruto will be repeated with some episodes selected.
Also on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the anime, the official website released a special short last October that recalls the entire series in ten minutes. We propose it again below, however it contains strong anticipations on the ending:
We remind you, again on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Naruto anime adaptation, the first international character popularity poll was held, the winner of which will receive a manga made by Masashi Kishimoto himself. The publication is also expected in the course of 2023.
About Naruto
Naruto was created by Masashi Kishimoto from 1999 to 2014 in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha). With 700 published chapters and 72 total volumes, the work is entirely available in Italy under the label of Planet Manga.
The two animated series or Naruto and Naruto Shippuden incorporate a total of 720 episodes. In Italy Naruto was broadcast entirely. “ Shippuden ” instead counts, for now, 393 episodes.
The legend of Naruto still lives on today with the official sequel manga, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations serialized since 2016. The sequel is drawn by Mikio Ikemoto and written by Masashi Kishimoto (since November 2020 from the moment . In Italy it is published by Planet Manga . The sequel , again, boasts a weekly anime TV series currently in progress since 2017 and being broadcast with Italian subtitles on Crunchyroll.
Since October 2022, two new Naruto manga inspired by the light novel post serialization of the manga. All the details here .
We invite you to view the Amazon page dedicated to the world of Naruto in order to recover what you still lack to discover or, otherwise, to start diving into the story.