Resident Evil Village between history, characters and gameplay: new clues from Capcom

Resident Evil Village between history, characters and gameplay: new clues from Capcom
After thanking the fans for the welcome given to Lady Dimitrescu, Capcom shares mysterious messages dedicated to Resident Evil Village on social networks that seem to reconnect with the story and playful experience of the next, highly anticipated horror.

The curators of the social portals of the Japanese company bring to the attention of fans two cryptic letters that contain information on the history of the title. The first of these messages takes the form of a note inviting users to "carry on your preparations as I have indicated. Do not disappoint me".

The note in question is signed by MM, an acronym that could refer to the disturbing figure of Mother Miranda, the vampire admired during the last Showcase organized by Capcom to present Lady Dimitrescu and set the launch date of RE Village.

The second tweet published by the authors of the last Capcom's blockbuster horror instead shows the transcription of a telegram with sentences containing censored words: the author of this digital missive, entitled "No: RE-VII", explains that he "noticed recent traces of blood along the way. These are obvious signs of being dragged along. I will start recording the activities of the castle's occupants. "

While waiting for more information on the gameplay and history of Capcom's latest dark-hued work, please remember Resident Evil Village is scheduled to be released on May 7th on PC, PS4, Xbox One and, in a version specifically made for next-generation consoles, on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S.