Genshin Impact: the new character Hu Tao is presented in a trailer

Genshin Impact: the new character Hu Tao is presented in a trailer

Genshin Impact

The MiHoYo guys continue to support Genshin Impact - free-to-play among the greatest phenomena of the moment - with the continuous injection of new content. In the past few hours they have announced the arrival of a new character, Hu Tao.

Hu tao hails from the nation of Liyue and, despite her very young age, was introduced as the seventy-seventh director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. "Did I scare you? Huh? Was my appearance a surprise rather than a shock? Mmm ... so, should I call it a ridiculous failure - or a splendid success?" Hu Tao's character clearly attempts to be scary and creepy, but he certainly can't escape the "cuteness" that characterizes the design of all of Genshin Impact's characters.

As we deepen his knowledge, we also discover that he will wield a auction, will be of the Pyro type and will possess the following talents:

Secret Spear of Wangsheng: inflicts six quick hits; when charged, it consumes a certain amount of stamina to launch a forward lunge that hits all enemies in its path; Guide to Afterlife: consumes a portion of its HP to repel nearby enemies and enter the Paramita Papillo state; damage increases based on the number of HP present upon entering the state, and enemies suffer the Blood Blossom effect, receiving Pyro damage every 4 seconds; Spirit Soother: Hu Tao summons a glowing spirit that deals Pyro damage to multiple targets. Find Hu Tao's presentation trailer at the opening of the news. Genshin Impact is available in free-to-play format on PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4 (it is also backward compatible with PS5), platforms on which it recorded record takings in 2020.

‘Genshin Impact’ Reveals Hu Tao And Her Abilities, Out Next Week

Hu Tao


Hu Tao fans are finally getting what they’ve been waiting for. Even though it seemed like Genshin Impact was only releasing one new 5 star this patch, they’re managing to squeeze a second one in for the next banner.

That’s Hu Tao, funeral director and pyro polearm user. Genshin Impact has just released a new teaser video for Hu Tao today, and they have also detailed her abilities and talents for the first time. Here’s the teaser:

But more important, perhaps, are her actual moves, and here’s what we know about her kit, based on what we’ve heard today:

Normal Attacks – 6 strikes, charged dash attack (like Xiangling)

Elemental “E” Attack – Paramita Papilio State – This increases her ATK based on her max HP, consuming HP on activation and knocking enemies back. It converts her attacks to pyro damage and increases her resistance to interruption.

Elemental “Q” Ultimate – Spirit Soother – Does pyro damage in a large AOE, and regains health based on number of enemies hit. If she triggers this when her health is below 50%, it increases damage and health regen.

Talent – Blood Blossom – Attacks when in the Paramita Papilio State will apply Blood Blossom to the enemy which does pyro damage every 4 seconds, and can trigger elemental reactions. Can be refreshed by Hu Tao’s attacks.

So, in short, she sounds like a cross between Xiao, sacrificing health and converting herself to elemental damage with a polearm, and Childe, entering an extended elemental damage state and applying a “mark” on enemies. She’s another DPS character, and if you just got Xiao, it feels like she may fill a very similar role on your team, just with a different element.

Hu Tao


I’m still debating whether or not I’ll go for Hu Tao, given that I just finished leveling up Diluc which took roughly 90 years, and she would be another pyro DPS. But when Update 1.4 potentially not having a new 5 star at all, Hu Tao may be the last one for a while, and it could be hard to pass her up.

When is she coming? Keqing’s banner expires next Tuesday, so that would be my best guess, as there are rarely gaps between banners. So you have a few more days to start saving, and it’s not yet clear whether her banner would run for two weeks like Xiao’s and Keqing’s or three weeks like most of the older ones.

Genshin Impact will no doubt continue to roll out Hu Tao content in the next few days like combat videos and such. Stay tuned for those.

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