God of War 2 will be released when it's ready, confirms the director

God of War 2 will be released when it's ready, confirms the director

God of War 2 will be released when it's ready

When is God of War 2 coming out? When it is ready. To say it was not just any passerby, but Cory Barlog, the director of the game, who has recently been beset with requests for clarification on the release date of the highly anticipated title on Twitter. The reason is simple: there is a strong suspicion that he will not make it out within the current year, as suggested by SIE President Jim Ryan.

Not bad, one would say, given that cases very recent ones like that of Cyberpunk 2077 should have made it clear that it is better to postpone than to launch incomplete games, but some fans still seem inconsolable and want to know more.

In the tweet with his "when it's done", Barlog also hinted that, in the event, a postponement would be for the good of all, that is, that it would not be decided for malice, but to have a better product . How to blame him?

Warning: do not take it as a confirmation of the postponement, because it is not, but only as a way to say that it is better that the games come out when they are ready and not before.

Also important is the presence in the tweet of Jeffrey Lebowski. Not that it means anything in particular, but Dude always looks good wherever you put it.

For the rest we remind you that God of War 2 is a PS5 exclusive title, a follow-up to a highly acclaimed PS4 exclusive, recently updated for the new console.


God of War 2 will be released when it

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