No Man's Sky: 3.5 Prisms update dramatically improves graphics

No Man's Sky: 3.5 Prisms update dramatically improves graphics

No Man's Sky

Hello Games has announced the release of No Man's Sky 3.5 update, called Prisms Update, which greatly improves the game graphics, adding new effects and enriching the planets with details. The news are almost all on the technical front, so don't expect too many new content, and mainly concern the PC, Xbox Series X and PS5 versions of the game. First of all, let's see the presentation video:

Among the new graphics we highlight the addition of the Screen Space Reflections, which make the reflections on metal surfaces more beautiful; volumetric lights, which make the lighting system more realistic; new warp effects; the DLSS technology of GeForce RTX cards on PC, which dramatically improves performance; of new details for planets and interiors; Parallax Occlusion Mapping, which gives three-dimensionality to the relief elements of the textures; of new meteorological effects, now decidedly more spectacular; of a new flashlight, whose light beam gives a much better effect than in the past; refractions, made possible by the new lighting system; fur coats with many animals and new starry vaults, much more beautiful and spectacular than the old ones.

Among the most substantial additions, we would like to point out a complete overhaul of the character editor interface; the increase of creatures usable as companions; improvements to photo mode; the revision of the Bytebeat Synthesizer, which now allows you to save audio tracks in your personal library; a new management of the spaceship bases and a new terminal for crafting.

For the rest we remind you that No Man's Sky is available for PC, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X / S.

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