Because we are once again talking about the income meter in Italy

Because we are once again talking about the income meter in Italy

Consultations open until July 15 to determine the functioning of the indicator: the reconstructed expenses will be compared with the declared income to find the tax evaders

(Photo: Rich / Ipa) Go back to the elements indicative of capacity contributory, in a word, income, starting from consumption, investments, savings and expenses for transfers: these are the four types of "inductive content", that is the parameters that the Ministry of Finance (Mef) will be able to consider to build the profit meter, the parameter that will be used by the tax administration to direct its assessments. Blocked in 2018 by the Conte 1 government to update the parameters in agreement with the interested parties including Istat, it is now back with the Draghi government: the Mef has published the decree in the consultations section to receive the opinion of the most representative consumer associations, until July 15th.

The income meter is a synthetic income assessment tool that allows you to highlight the most evident differences between the declared income and the spending capacity shown by taxpayers, in order to identify the positions at greatest risk of evasion. The assessment is activated when the declared and reconstructed income differ by more than 20%. At that point it will be up to the taxpayer to demonstrate that they have used savings set aside in previous years and that the level of expenditure is compatible with economic resources. Already foreseen by the original article 38 of 1973, the new income meter will put Italian incomes under the lens starting from the 2016 tax year.

The reconstructed expenditure will be assessed within 55 types of families, determined on the basis of 11 households by personal characteristics and five geographical by Italian macro-regions. The category of investments concerns movable and real estate components (typically the home loan), while that of consumption is very broad and includes food, clothing, household appliances and education. The amount spent will be assessed year by year in relation to the declared income and to ascertain any evasions the income meter could thus pair with another contributory "thermometer", the super registry of current accounts based on five data: balance at the beginning and at the end of the year, overall data on incoming and outgoing movements, average stock.

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