Konami has invited indie teams to make games based on its classic series

Konami has invited indie teams to make games based on its classic series

Konami has announced a competition for independent developers, inviting them to make games inspired by its classic series, such as Gradius, Ganbare Goemon and many others. Probably it is a way to try to revitalize them, going to fund the best projects.

Whatever the case, Konami's Action & Shooting Game Contest specifically asks to make action games based on the company's classics. The rules allow you to do a little bit of everything: remakes, sequels, inspired titles, mixes of franchises and much more. In short, it will be up to the developers to decide how to move, with Konami being able to select the best products and turn them into commercial titles. The game considered to be the best will win 2 million yen (approximately € 18,000). Konami will then offer production contracts for 30 million yen (approximately € 270,000), also providing supervision, advice and support for developers.

The contest, designed for the Japanese scene, is supported by the Shueisha Game Creators Camp and will accept registrations until January 6, 2022. Obviously in this short time it will not necessarily be necessary to make complete titles, but well-finished demos or convincing prototypes will also be enough.

Unfortunately, the list of games to watch for inspiration is only in Japanese. What matters to us is that Konami seems to be moving to get back more active on the video game market, after rumors that it is about to revitalize the Castlevania, Silent Hill and Metal Gear franchises.

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