If there is one game that is constantly targeted by the modder community, it is DOOM. We are talking about the first classic shooter of the 90s, a game that has been able to make the history of the genre and beyond. The FPS opera is one of the longest-running titles ever, and thanks to the constant support of fans this shooter continues to entertain even today after more than thirty years from its original launch.Just Thanks to the endless mods released for DOOM, players have been able to experience a lot of different experiences, many of which have totally changed the direction of the game. Among the most recent mods, however, it is worth mentioning the GZDoom update 4.8.1, which adds a series of new changes, corrections and improvements to the mod. Of particular note, however, are some cool mirror effects that essentially allow you to turn the legendary FPS into a vampire game.
#Doom mods can do vampires properly now. https://t.co/uXYaoukYbr pic.twitter.com/7VzQUEW7nP
- PCGamesN (@PCGamesN) June 26, 2022
If you are a fan of DOOM and you are not yet tired of playing this timeless first person shooter, know that you can download this latest update of GZDoom comfortably at this address. In addition to these great mods, we know that DOOM is also one of the games capable of running on multiple platforms and on multiple screens or even appliances. For example, there are those who have managed to run the iconic demonic FPS even on a tiny LEGO brick.
Doom mods have support for vampires now
The big new GZDoom update 4.8.1 is out now with a range of new tweaks, fixes, and improvements for the quintessential Doom mods program. Of particular note, however, are some cool mirror effects that essentially allow you to turn the classic FPS game into a vampire game.
There are many fantastic and inventive Doom mods out there, such as a hack-n-slash Shinobi mod, an open-world Fallout-type game, and Fred Durst. There’s even a fantastic first-person recreation of one of the best Castlevania games – which might be perfect for an update to make the most of these new GZDoom features.
You can check out the full patch notes and download for GZDoom 4.8.1 here. There are many welcome improvements, such as further support for the Vulkan renderer, but it’s the new options for mirrors that are particularly intriguing. Aside from improving reflection support within Doom, the update adds the “+ONLYVISIBLEINMIRRORS” and “+INVISIBLEINMIRRORS” flags for modders to use. Essentially, these add the option for characters to either only appear in mirrors or have no reflection in mirrors.
As you might imagine, these tweaks open the door for some possibly terrifying encounters, as if Doom didn’t have creepy enough mods already. While the vampire connotations are fantastic, I particularly love the idea of only being able to see some monsters thanks to their reflections. Imagine a Silent Hill-type Doom mod like that.
Hello hello, #GZDoom 4.8.1 has been released. Enjoy your vampire monsters with the +ONLYVISIBLEINMIRRORS and +INVISIBLEINMIRRORS actor flags 👀
Download: https://t.co/WqZPd3Yu2i pic.twitter.com/vTd4QoivOv
— Nash Muhandes (@NashMuhandes) June 26, 2022
The GZDoom update is available now, and it will probably take Doom modders all of five minutes to start implementing these options in fun new ways.
Elsewhere in creative Doom news, you can now play Doom on a Lego brick or without even turning your PC on properly.