Selling legal cannabis in Italy is certainly not like selling a pair of shoes. There are specific legal constraints to be respected and various cultural resistances, sometimes in fact, sometimes on the facade. The public debate ignites periodically. “The legalization issue is on everyone's lips. Millions of citizens have already asked politics to move in this direction with the collection of signatures for the abrogative referendum - explains Moretti -. As an operator in the sector, our task is to work on two tracks: for investors to continue with our growth plan and for the Italian company to help fuel the public debate on the legalization of cannabis use. I am in favor of replicating a Californian model in Italy. A model that could create an industry with over 30 billion in annual turnover. Beyond the related industries. To understand: the light cannabis market alone is estimated at 3.2 billion euros by 2025 at the European level, with a compound annual growth rate of + 64.4% between 2021 and 2025 ".
“We reached a balanced budget in the first quarter of 2022, with a turnover that went from 220,000 euros in 2019 to over one million euros in 2021 - explains the JustMary CEO -. Thanks to the funds we are raising through crowdfunding, we will strengthen our marketing activities and the distribution network in Italy and abroad, with France and England in the first place. For Italy, the goal is to activate our service in another 40 cities, using the Alfonsino Delivery partner. We will hire new riders and four staff members ”.