Diablo Immortal
We all remember how Diablo Immortal was greeted the very first time. Fans of the RPG Blizzard series have been waiting for a new chapter of the brand for years, but not everyone thought that the franchise would be revived in the form of a mobile experience. Years have passed since that much discussed announcement, and the Diablo for mobile is finally here, also offering itself as a playable experience on PC to the delight of many fans.In these hours Blizzard has begun to talk about what will be the near future of Diablo Immortal. The US company has confirmed on Reddit that the first update of the game is about to arrive, also revealing some first details on this update. The first of the waves of content for the game will focus on the Battle Pass. Blizzard said even bigger updates are planned for the future. This was confirmed by Blizzard Community Head Adam Fletcher.
Fletcher also stated that future Diablo Immortal updates will introduce new content that will extend the story of the game and other "bigger" features, which will be free for all players. We do not yet know if these upcoming changes will require players to spend money on microtransactions to obtain new items and the equipment necessary to meet the new challenges, although we hope that the concerns of the players towards this monetary aspect of the game can find some solace with next moves by Blizzard.
Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair locations and how to find them
Have the Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair locations been eluding you? If you’ve been playing Blizzard’s mobile RPG game for any length of time, you’ve probably become very familiar with one particular notification: ‘A Hidden Lair has opened in this zone’. Their locations may not be immediately apparent, but don’t be tempted to ignore them. Regardless of what Diablo Immortal class you are, they are well worth investigating for the upgrades they can provide.
If you’ve been tripped up by Diablo Immortal Hidden Lairs, much like a lot of new players to this free-to-play loot bonanza, this guide is what you need. There are 82 Hidden Lairs in total throughout the game, split across eight different zones. We’ve got the details on all the Hidden Lair locations below, followed by an explanation of what Hidden Lairs actually are, how they can disguise themselves in different zones, rewards for beating them, and general tips to get through them.
Here are the details on all of the Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair locations:
There are 18 Hidden Lairs within Ashwold Cemetery, the most of any individual zone. Most are in a big cluster, so it’s worth checking that section first.
The Dark Wood has ten Hidden Lairs in total, with most appearing in the top half of the zone.
There are nine Hidden Lairs in the Shassar Sea, spread all over the area.
The Library of Zoltun Kulle has eight Hidden Lairs, all fairly evenly spaced out.
There are ten Hidden Lairs in Bilefen and you can find six of them near the upper boundary of the zone, with the other four all being in the lower portion.
There are seven Hidden Lairs in Mount Zavain, all located quite centrally.
The Frozen Tundra has ten Hidden Lairs, with a few clustered together inside the building.
Finally, the Realm of Damnation has another ten Hidden Lairs, with two separated from the rest in the bottom portion of the zone.
What are Hidden Lairs in Diablo Immortal?Diablo Immortal Hidden Lairs are mini-dungeons that can be completed quickly, easily, and solo if you prefer. Not only are they a decent source of XP and legendary items for leveling up, they’re also a fantastic way to acquire normal Diablo Immortal gems without opening your wallet. The only trouble is that Hidden Lairs are, well, hidden. Don’t expect a map marker or signposting of any kind; the only way to find them is to hunt them down yourself.
If this wasn’t elusive enough, there are a few additional caveats to how Hidden Lairs work. Once one has opened, you’ve only got 10 minutes to find the Hidden Lair before it moves to another location. They operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis – if someone else enters a Hidden Lair then it will no longer be accessible to you. You can work this in your favour by keeping an eye on Diablo Immortal’s party finder when one opens. If someone in your group enters the lair, you’ll all receive a prompt to battle through it together. There’s strength in numbers when it comes to both finding and fighting through a Hidden Lair, so cut down on the competition by grouping up.
What do Hidden Lairs look like?We know now that Hidden Lair locations aren’t entirely random and each zone can have a vastly different number of them, but what do they actually look like? This changes depending on the area it’s in, but will always look the same in each zone. This means that once you know what to look for, you can pick them out of the environment with ease.
Here are what Hidden Lairs look like when you’re in each area:
The entrance will glow blue or yellow once you’re in the vicinity, and a marker will be added to your minimap. We’ve compiled all the Hidden Lair locations, explained what they look like in every zone, and marked them on every map, so you can be sure to know where to look once the notification pops up.
Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair rewardsRegardless of how many floors a Hidden Lair has, it’ll conclude in a fight against a Diablo Immortal Lair Guardian. This miniboss is an Elite Monster that will drop a Rank 1 normal gem of any random colour. Check out our guide to the best Diablo Immortal builds, or seek out our individual setups for your Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer or Wizard to discover the best gems, loot, and skills for your class.
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Once the Lair Guardian is slain, there’s a chance a portal will spawn, granting you access to an additional floor complete with its own Lair Guardian. It also comes equipped with a Blacksmith, so you can salvage items and free up any additional inventory space required before continuing onwards. Once you’ve cleared everything, interact with the portal that will spawn nearby to exit the Hidden Lair.
General tips for clearing Hidden LairsDiablo Immortal Hidden Lairs can provide you with ample rewards once you clear them, but there’s a couple of things you can be doing to make the most of your time fighting through them
Once you have all the Diablo Immortal Hidden Lair locations memorised, tracking them down and clearing them of loot will become second nature – and the gems you’ll acquire will allow you to fight through them faster than ever. If you’re yet to jump into the latest instalment in this long-running franchise, take a look at our Diablo Immortal tier list if you want to tear through Hidden Lairs with the best class in the game.