From June 30th
By June 30th, merchants and professionals must accept payments by debit, credit or prepaid cards via Pos. Otherwise, they will be sanctioned with a fine of 30 euros, plus 4% of the value of the refused transaction. Only merchants who can prove that they have actual technical problems are excluded from the penalties.Who will have to accept payments via Pos? Do the obligations and penalties only apply to card payments? Was the obligation to accept payments via Pos already in force? How high are the penalties? Is it possible to pay in reduced form? Are there any exceptions? Who will investigate the violations and how? How do the fines for those who refuse payments with the Pos work? The new rules apply to anyone who sells products or services, including professional ones.
Do obligations and penalties apply only to card payments? The rule only covers debit, credit and prepaid cards. Other digital payment tools, such as applications, or other traceable payment methods, such as wire transfers, are not considered.
Was the obligation to accept payments via Pos already in force? The activities of selling products and providing services were already obliged to have the Pos from 30 June 2014, through the law decree number 179 of 2012. However, the sanctions were only introduced in December 2021, with the conversion into law of the Law Decree No. 157 on the Recovery Fund.
How much are the penalties? Businesses that refuse payments via Pos will receive an administrative fine of 30 euros, increased by 4% of the value of the refused fine.
Can I pay in reduced form? There is no penalty discount, including the reduced payment usually granted when fines are paid within 60 days of being notified of the violation.
Are there any exceptions? The fine will be avoided only in the event that payments via Pos cannot be accepted due to problems of "objective technical impossibility". However, the government has not specified which situations it refers to. It could therefore be, for example, technical problems with the device or lack of network connection.
Who will ascertain the violations and how? The responsibility for verifying violations lies with the officers and judicial police officers, whose bodies are included in both the state and local police. However, it will also be the customer's responsibility to report those situations in which payment via Pos is denied, by contacting the authorities indicated above.
Benzie County calendar of events from June 22-30
Looking for something to do? Here is a list of local events and activities in Benzie County and beyond.
• 9 a.m. to noon, Manistee Farmers Market, Saturdays through Oct. 1, at the Wagoner Community Center, 260 Saint Mary’s Parkway in Manistee.
• 9 a.m. to noon, Pickleball on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. From 2-5 p.m. on Sundays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 9:30-11 a.m., Arcadia Book Club on Tuesdays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Manistee Historical Museum, Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, 425 River St., Manistee
• 1-4 p.m. on Saturdays, Summer open house hours at Brethren Heritage Museum at the corner of Hart and Amick streets in Brethren.
• 10 a.m., Senior slow-pitch softball, age 60 and older, plays on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at First Street Beach field in Manistee
• 10 a.m. to noon, Kaleva Food Pantry on the first Friday of the month at the Kaleva Community Center
• 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Saturdays and select Sundays, drop-in art projects program that merges art and nature at Michigan Legacy Art Park, in Thompsonville. Info: michlegacyartpark.org/tours-workshops/drop-in-programs
• 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Benzie Area Historical Museum. Tuesday through Saturday, 6941 Traverse Ave., Benzonia
• Celebrate Recovery program at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays at United Methodist Church in Frankfort. A Christ-centered 12-step, recovery program that offers a safe environment. Info: 231 352-7427
• 2:30 p.m., Balance with Renee on Fridays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Cost is $7. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 3-5 p.m., Study room, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Armory Youth Project, 555 First St. in Manistee
• 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Benzie Sunrise Rotary meeting on Tuesdays in the Labrador Room at the Lucky Dog Bar & Grille in Beulah. Zoom options also available. Info: benziesunriserotary.org
• Benzie Shores District Library is offering weekly activities. Circle Time for babies and toddlers at 10 a.m. on Mondays, learn the library’s digital services at Tech Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Movies for Multitaskers, where visitors can work on a project and watch movies at the library from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays.
• 5:30 p.m., Euchre on Thursdays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Open to all levels. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 5:30-6 p.m., Outdoor youth soccer for ages 3-5 on Tuesdays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Ages 6-10 from 6-7 p.m. Cost $36 for 3-5 age group and $40 for the 6-10 ages. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 5:30-7 p.m., on Tuesdays, Manistee County Young Life club at Armory Youth Project in Manistee. Info: manisteecounty.younglife.org or luketrombley.yl@gmail.com
• 5:30-7 p.m., Yoga with Yali on Tuesdays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Thursday classes are 4:30-6 p.m. Cost is $15. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• Noon on Thursdays, senior dinners at Maple Grove Township Community Center in Kaleva.
• 2-6 p.m., Grow Benzie Community Farm Market on Wednesdays through Sept. 28, at Grow Benzie, located at 5885 Frankfort Hwy. in Benzonia. Info: julie@growbenzie.org
• 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Frankfort Farmers Market on Saturdays in Mineral Springs Park in downtown Frankfort.
• 8 a.m. to noon, Elberta Community Farmer’s Market on Thursdays at Penfold Park, located at 1098 Lakeside Blvd. in Elberta
• Pickleball at the court in Manistee Township, 9 a.m. to noon, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday; 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday.
• 6-9 p.m., Fun Fish event days, June through August on Wednesdays through the Manistee County Sport Fishing Association in Manistee County. Info: mcsfa.org/fun-fish
• 7 p.m., Pickup basketball at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. All levels welcome. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 7 p.m., Yoga with Terri on Mondays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Cost $12. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 7:15 p.m., Piloxing with Trisha on Mondays at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8 a.m. A fusion of pilates and boxing. Cost $10. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 10 a.m. to noon, Health Smart classes at Elizabeth Lane Oliver Center for the Arts at 132 Coast Guard Road, Frankfort. Free for ages 7 and up who qualify for free and reduced-price lunch at their home school district. Info: oliverart.org or 231-352-4151
• 1 p.m., Learn about the ocean, complete with crafts, at the Darcy Library of Beulah’s summer reading program at 723 Commercial Ave., Beulah. Call 231-882-4037 for more information.
• 7 p.m., Ludington Center for the Arts Summer Concert Series featuring The Jack Pine Savages, Waterfront Park in downtown Ludington. Free. Info: LACA Executive Director Andrew Skinner at 231-845-2787 or director@ludingtonartscenter.org
• 3 p.m., Writing Your Story with Ellen Airgood at Benzonia Public Library, 891 Michigan Ave. Free to the public. For more information, visit benzonialibrary.org or 231-882-4111.
• 3 p.m., Prehistoric Seas Summer Reading Program at Benzonia Public Library at 891 Michigan Ave. Info: benzonialibrary.org or call 231-882-4111
• 6 p.m., an Evening with Ellen Airgood at Benzonia Public Library at 891 Michigan Ave. Info: benzonialibrary.org or call 231-882-4111
• 4 p.m., Mindful journaling at Benzie Shores Public Library, located at 603 Main St. in Frankfort.
• 7 p.m., Mineral Springs Concert in the Park featuring Manistee Community Band at Frankfort Mineral Springs Park
• 9:30 p.m., Nitecrawler hunt in Mineral Springs Park in downtown Frankfort. Attendees are asked to bring a bucket and a flashlight to collect worms for Take a Kid Fishing Day the next day.
• 10 a.m., Fun Friday at Mineral Springs Park in downtown Frankfort, sponsored by the Benzie Shores District Library
• 10 a.m., Saturday movie “Moana” at the Darcy Library of Beulah, located at 7238 Commercial St. in Beulah
• 10 a.m. to noon, Fairies and Forts at Michigan Legacy Art Park. Crafts, entertainment and a march to the fort. Info: michlegacyartpark.org or 231-378-4963
• 3-5 p.m., Let’s Go Fly a Kite at Lake Michigan Beach near the turn-around in Frankfort. Free kites
• 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Comedy Night in Copemish featuring Marti Johnson and Sal Demilio for Comedy for a Cause, at American Legion Post 531, 18483 Cadillac Hwy. in Copemish. Cost $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Tickets: Marti at 231-883-4761, or Patrick at 231-944-0221
• Noon to 2 p.m., Pokemon Day at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Arcadia. Info: pleasantvalleycc.org
• 6 p.m., Free watch party of the TV series, “The Chosen,” at Blaine Christian Church in the newer classroom on the lower level, at 7018 Putney Road in Arcadia. Discussion to follow the viewing. Info: Cathy Bodell, 231-871-4553, bbandcb@att.net or blainechristianchurch.org
• 10:30 a.m., Circle Time for Infants and toddlers at Benzie Shores District Library, located at 630 Main St. in Frankfort
• 1 to 4 p.m., drop-in board games at Benzie Shores District Library, located at 630 Main St. in Frankfort
• 7 p.m., Jammin Mondays on Betsie Bay presents Ted Alan and the Under-Privileged featuring Rob Smith, Waterfront Park Amphitheater in Elberta. Rain or shine. Free. Info: Grace Banktson-Williams 231-383-0897, Dan Carter 616-437-0101.
• 1 p.m., Open Build Lego and MagnaTiles and more at Benzie Shores District Library, located at 630 Main St. in Frankfort
• 4 p.m. Teeny Tiny Busy Book Club at Benzie Shores District Library located at 630 Main St. Frankfort. Visit benzieshoreslibrary.org to reserve a copy of the month’s story.
• 7 p.m., Shoreline Showcase concert series featuring Ted Alan and the Under-Privileged featuring Rob Smith, Rotary Gazebo in Douglas Park First Street Beach in Manistee. Rain location is Armory Youth Project, 555 First St. in Manistee. Free. Info: manisteeshorelineshowcase.org, Steve Rogers 231-887-0090 or Tony Dziabuda 231-510-1367.
• 11 a.m., Yoga on Lake Michigan at Captain John Langland Park in Onekama with Mary Paine. Info: onekama.info/parksandrecevent
• 1 p.m., Learn about fish and fishing, complete with craft activities, at the Darcy Library of Beulah’s summer reading program at 723 Commercial Ave., Beulah. Info: 231-882-4037
• 3 p.m., Illustrating Your Story with Connie and Jimmy McLaren at Benzonia Public Library, 891 Michigan Ave. Fre. Info: benzonialibrary.org or 231-882-4111
• 7 p.m., LACA Summer Concert Series featuring Ted Alan and the Under-Privileged featuring Rob Smith, Waterfront Park in downtown Ludington. Free. Info: LACA Executive Director Andrew Skinner at 231-845-2787 or director@ludingtonartscenter.org
• Frankfort carnival, including rides, at Open Space Park in Frankfort
• 3 p.m., Sailing the Seas and Lakes at Benzonia Public Library at 891 Michigan Ave. Info: benzonialibrary.org or call 231-882-4111
More for you
• 3 p.m., Time Warp Thursday at Benzie Shores District Library located at 630 Main St. in Frankfort.