Bruno Arena
Today, after a serious aneurysm that hit him almost 10 years ago (exactly on January 17, 2013) during the recording of an episode of Zelig, Bruno Arena passed away at the age of 65. as well as the other famous half of the comic duo Fichi D'India who completed with Max Cavallari. After an emergency operation carried out in 2013, the comedian had to face a period of coma and, after awakening, a long period of rehabilitation. The latter had improved him, but unfortunately not enough to allow him to return to the stage or behind some camera.
The news of his death was spread by another longtime friend , Paolo Belli, through his social media accounts:
R. I. P. great friend of mine #bruno pic.twitter.com/TMRamwyilH
- paolo belli (@paolobelliswing) September 28, 2022
Bruno Arena's career from accident to success
Bruno Arena had already suffered a serious accident back in 1984. That time he had to undergo several operations which caused him partial loss of sight in one eye. It was precisely this event that gave him the characteristic "facial deformation" object of de-dramatization in all his shows with even self-ironic jokes about his "ugliness". In any case, Bruno, born in Milan on January 12, 1957, has always been a very irreverent character.He began his career as a tourist entertainer, but after meeting Max Cavallari in 1988 his life changed forever. They decided to form the comic duo Fichi D’India in honor of the plants that characterized the beaches of Palinuro, the meeting place of the two friends where they decided their artistic future. From that moment the duo never separated even in everyday life as neighbors. They made their debut in a club in Varese, then moved to other places in Milan until they made the first television appearances as on Yogurt di Italia 1. The first real success came thanks to Roberto Benigni and the 2002 film Pinocchio in which Max and Bruno wore the role of the Cat and the Fox. Among the films they have taken part in are also remembered Christmas on the Nile, Christmas in India and Wedding in the Bahamas with Massimo Boldi and Christian De Sica.
The television comedy success, on the other hand, came thanks to The last one ? on Canale 5 first and then especially with Zelig after. Unforgettable their catchphrase ("Amici Ahrarara") which took its cue from the protagonist of telesales Sergio Baracco and his marked low r that made him famous while selling gems at the price, according to him derisory, of one hundred thousand lire. Finally, Arena, together with Cavallari, was among the owners of Arlecchino, a local historian from Vedano Olona who was the home of many novice comedians.
One half of comic duo Fichi d'India dies
(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 28 - Bruno Arena, one half of the Italian TV and film comic duo Fichi d'India, has died at the age of 65, his son Gianluca said on Instagram Wednesday. 'I wasn't ready, but I never would have been, bon voyage dad...you leave a huge gap,' the son said. Musician and TV presenter Paolo Belli posted a photo of the pair together saying 'RIP great friend of mine'. Arena suffered an aneurysm in 2013 which compromised his motor capacities. He started off in show business in the 1980s and hit the top of the TV comic scene after meeting partner Max Cavallari and founding the Fichi d'India, a constant presence on cult comedy show Zelig. (ANSA).
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