Death Stranding: 10 million players reached in 3 years from Hideo Kojima's game

Death Stranding: 10 million players reached in 3 years from Hideo Kojima's game

Death Stranding

At the dawn of its third anniversary, Death Stranding celebrates the 10 million players reached within its particular post-apocalyptic world between PC, PS4 and PS5, with Kojima Productions announcing the milestone achieved in an official celebratory tweet.

Death Stranding and its updated version, Death Stranding Director's Cut have therefore registered a total of 10 million registered players within the game all over the world, considering the PS4, PS5 and PC versions available on the market. We are not really talking about sales but about registered users within the game, which also includes those who have access to it through the PlayStation Plus and PC Game Pass catalog.

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"With data updated as of November 8, 2022, Death Stranding has connected over 10 million Porters worldwide across PS4, PS5 and PC. Thank you all for your support!" He wrote Kojima Productions from his Twitter account, then specifying various other details in a subsequent press release.

Death Stranding is celebrating its third anniversary today, originally being released on November 8, 2019 on PS4, then arriving on July 14, 2020 on PC and renewed with the new version Death Stranding Director's Cut on PS5 and PC on September 24, 2021. The latter contains various technical improvements as well as some reworking of the contents, which make it the "definitive experience" for Hideo Kojima's game.

Death Stranding is also available on PlayStation Plus and also on PC Game Pass, which has certainly further expanded the audience, allowing him to reach the result announced today. In the meantime, we are waiting for news on the now probable Death Stranding 2, while recently we have all been struck by the sad news of the death of Ryan Karazija of Low Roar, who had taken an important part in the soundtrack.

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