New World: Is the ban system too punitive? Amazon responds to criticism

New World: Is the ban system too punitive? Amazon responds to criticism

New World

There is no question that New World is a success. The first Amazon Games MMORPG has in fact jumped to the top of the sales and player rankings a few hours after day one. Despite this, however, the game is not immune to technical problems, such as the endless queues that occur for access to servers. Today, however, another rather serious problem has emerged that would suggest a ban system that is too punitive, even if the reports contradict each other.

There are in fact many players who report being been banned for no reason. And obviously many have thought of some false reports from other users, which would lead the system to automatically ban a player. A problem, since several trolls could join together to get more players banned, simply by using the reporting system. Initially a community moderator made this official but was later denied by a community manager, who works closely with the players and the other departments that deal with keeping the game in order.

“We want to apologize because of my colleague's statements, not because we keep saying that we use bots to moderate ”, reads the message posted in the New World forum. "We use the EAC system to find out who is cheating, maybe the colleague has confused the information on how we treat the cheaters and who instead reports the players for the code of conduct," added the community manager.

At the moment, therefore, the cause of these bans on New World is not yet clear. Most likely a good percentage of them were cheaters anyway. However, the community manager has specified that he will investigate thoroughly to prevent conflicting information from being disclosed to users. Between one scampagna and the next, therefore, our advice is to be very careful: in case of ban without reason, always contact the official support, in order to have answers and get a restoration of your character. >
New World is available on Amazon.

Can You Play ‘New World’ Solo?

New World


By definition, an MMO is a multiplayer game. And that may leave those wanting to hop into New World feeling left out in the cold, if they wanted to check it out without friends, without a clan to join. Can you still have fun? Can you still make progress?

I’d say yes, and yes.

I have 75 hours in New World now, almost all of which has been played solo. What I’ve found is a game that only rarely seems to limit what I can do without a group of players, and when I needed one, I was able to find one fairly easily.

Simply put, there is very little in New World that you can’t do solo, at least before you hit ultra-endgame, which even the most die-hard players are only just starting to brush up against in the launch window here.

Combat, for more or less any style of play, is manageable solo. Unless you are being incredibly careless, you can easily fight only one or two enemies at a time, which means you won’t get overwhelmed by hordes until you specifically draw aggro from groups on purpose. You can make yourself a camp near pretty much any encounter, meaning if you die and there’s no one to revive you, you can simply resurrect there and continue your mission.

New World also lets you make progress doing a whole lot of non-combat activities. You can gain loads of XP through acquiring materials, be it through woodcutting, mining, hunting, harvesting or fishing, and in turn, you can gain loads of XP from converting those materials into items through armoring, jewelcrafting, cooking, alchemy, smelting and others. None of this requires a group and in fact is better solo, so you don’t have people stealing your ore mounds or skinning your prey.

New World


Everyone will have to join one of three factions in the game, but again, this does not have group play as a requirement. You can level up through your respective faction through an endless amount of quests, and this doesn’t require a group. If you join a company they will be aligned with a specific faction, but you don’t need to join a company (a clan) to be in a faction and gain benefits from it.

Nearly everything you “need” a group for, either is pretty optional, or the game will make it relatively easy to acquire one.

There are certain “Elite” areas in the game where enemies have 5x their normal health and bosses are best taken down in groups. The good news is that given the population of these servers, you will usually find a good amount of people roaming around these zones you can team up with. Or, you can dramatically over-level these zones and simply come back later.

There are expeditions and dungeons that require a group that won’t even let you in without one. The first one, a level 25 expedition, is indeed part of the main quest and could be a roadblock. But there are dozens of people sitting outside the area at all times looking for groups, so if you want to find one, you can. I did this mission with my company, the first and only time I actually grouped up with them for any reason, since they recruited me near launch. But it wasn’t required. I really have no interaction with my company other than people occasionally asking each other questions in chat.

New World


You can be a solo PvP player, taking on players or even groups in the wild if you’re strong enough, but larger scale PvP wars, a decently fun and chaotic aspect of the game, is a mass-scale group activity, so this is one thing you can’t really do without one. You don’t have to know them, and you don’t have to be on voice comms, but you do need a lot of backup.

That said, I have been pretty surprised with how comfortable solo play has been in New World. You can set your own objectives, move at your own pace through the sandbox MMO. Earlier in this week, my goal was to hit 100 mining and woodcutting, which I did. Then my goal was to clear out all quests in my zones, which I did (minus a few elite ones). Now, my goal is to get my zone rep up to buy the best house in my home base region, and start furnishing it. Simply put, you can do whatever you want, and you can do 98% of it solo. You might as well give it a shot.

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