Lumen Technologies leaves Russia

Lumen Technologies leaves Russia

The provider Lumen Technologies, formerly known as CenturyLink, as well as many other companies, has decided to end its business in Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. By now Russia is increasingly isolated from the international context after the severe sanctions that have been imposed on it by the United States, the European Union and other states, as well as the abandonment of various companies, including and above all technological ones (for example, among the "bigwigs ", We can count Microsoft and Apple).

As reported by colleagues at TheRegister, Lumen did not take a clear stand on the level of morality on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, unlike Cogen (another major provider), claiming to have made this choice "due to the increased security risk within Russia" and "to ensure the security of its networks and those of its customers, as well as the continued integrity of the global Internet ".

Russia's isolation will allow the government to more easily manipulate information disseminated in the media, leaving citizens in the dark about the truth. For example, a new law has made it illegal to talk about "invasion of Ukraine" in the media, where it is mandatory to talk about "special military action", while all public protests are suppressed.