Today a game that has already been revealed in the past will be re-launched, according to an insider

Today a game that has already been revealed in the past will be re-launched, according to an insider

Today a game that has already been revealed in the past will be re-launched

Today a game that has already been revealed will be re-launched. To say it was the analyst Daniel Ahmad, better known as ZhugeEX, who said he was very excited about what will be shown. Too bad he didn't mention any names, leaving us groping in the dark.

Ahmad is also a well-known insider with several connections within the industry, so his message can be taken very seriously. Even if we know nothing about the announcement itself, it is still possible to make some speculation.

The first game that comes to mind is definitely Elden Ring, presented and never fully revealed. Could today be the fateful day to finally find out more about the new FromSoftware project? Another game that has disappeared from the scene that could return to show itself in a semi-definitive version is the action role-playing game Project Awakening, whose launch was initially scheduled for 2020 but about which nothing has been known.

Actually the eligible titles for a "resubmission" are really many. It is unlikely that it is one of the Nintendo exclusives such as Metroid Prime 4, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 or Bayonetta 3, given that the Japanese publisher has not announced any special events for today. If we want there are also some Bethesda games, such as Starfield or The Elder Scrolls VI, but even in this case it is unlikely that they are pulled out of thin air and not used for some dedicated event.

[errata corrige]

The game was actually already presented: Lost Soul Aside. We apologize for the mistake and hide the news.

Have you noticed any errors?

Monster Hunter Rise Has Already Sold 4 Million Copies in Less Than a Week

Monster Hunter Rise hasn't even been out for a full week but the latest installment in one of Capcom's most beloved franchises is already getting off to a hot start in terms of sales. Since launching on the Nintendo Switch last Friday, it has now been revealed that the game has already surpassed 4 million units sold in total.

The news of this information comes directly from Capcom which made the announcement on its website today. The publisher annotated that this 4 million number is comprised of the number of copies that have been shipped to retailers around the globe rather than those that have been solid directly to players. At this early rate, though, it seems like only a matter of time until the game is in the hands of that many players.

As a whole, the Monster Hunter series has absolutely been on fire for the past few years. Monster Hunter World has gone on to become Capcom's best-selling game of all-time, and even though Rise is only available on the Switch platform, that doesn't seem to have impacted its ability to sell a high number of copies.

To date, Capcom also revealed today that Monster Hunter as a whole has now topped 70 million units solid as a franchise. At the end of last year, the series had reached 66 million units sold in total. But when now taking into account these new sales for Monster Hunter Rise, the franchise has been able to reach another major milestone.

Fortunately, if you're still on the fence about getting Monster Hunter Rise for yourself, we've got you covered. In our own review of the game, which you can read right here, we awarded the latest entry with a 4 out of 5 rating saying that it's yet another installment that longtime fans should enjoy.

Have you been playing Monster Hunter Rise for yourself already over the past few days? Let me know either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.