Dragon Ball Z, Freeza First Form & Freeza Pod from Tamashii Nations

Dragon Ball Z, Freeza First Form & Freeza Pod from Tamashii Nations
The list of S.H.Figuarts dedicated to Dragon Ball Z continues to grow with the addition of a new and highly sought after protagonist. It's the turn of Freeza First Form & Freeza Pod, the first form with which we become familiar with the evil tyrant who has managed to bend even the powerful Saiyans to his will.

The issue in question becomes even more interesting since it also foresees the presence of the floating throne of Freeza putting us in the situation of simply displaying it standing or sitting inside the throne.

Freeza is a fictional character of the vast narrative universe of Dragon Ball Z. We make his acquaintance for the first time during the narrative arc set on the planet Namek. He is the tyrant and ruler of a series of worlds bent to his dominion and when he learns of the dragon spheres of the planet Namek he decides to go with a large part of his army. In Freeza's past there is also another story. In fact, he is also the real responsible for the destruction of the native planet of the Saiyans whose power he feared and the possibility that one of them could one day become the legendary Super Saiyan. It was Bardak, the father of Kakarotto, after understanding Freeza's real plans, who launched a last desperate (but useless) attack on him, inexorably disappearing under the deadly blow of the despot who together with him destroyed the entire planet .

The Freeza First Form figure was created under the direct supervision of Akira Toriyama (the father of Dragon Ball) and will include, in addition to the pod, various facial parts with alternative expressions, a set of spare hands and his special shot. It will be possible to insert Freeza inside its pod by detaching the upper part of the body, which will join the lower part already fixed to the seat.

Freeza First Form & Freeza Pod is in pre-order at an indicative price of about 90 euros with an estimated release for April 2021 (and in the following months in Italy) and will be distributed in Italy by Cosmic Group.

Hey! Terrestrial ... Don't miss the latest releases of the S.H.Figuarts line, our radar has led us to this link!