Death Stranding on PC Game Pass supports Xbox Achievements
Let's go back to the Death Stranding issue for PC Game Pass because there is a new trailer dedicated to the release of the game in the Microsoft service catalog and support for Xbox Live unlockable achievements is also confirmed.As we previously reported, Death Stranding will arrive on PC Game Pass on August 23, 2022, or next Tuesday, while it is not yet clear whether or not it is in its Director's Cut version. The latter is the expanded and enriched version, developed later by Kojima Productions for PC and PS5 but at the moment we do not know if this is the version planned for the Game Pass.
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In addition to these features, based on the official page on the Microsoft Store we learn about the support for Xbox Live unlockable objectives, or achievements, therefore included for the first time in this PC version for the Game Pass, which will make the game also available on the Microsoft Store.
To get an idea of what it is, you can see the list of achievements at this address on TrueAchievement, but keep in mind that the information could represent spoilers, as it describes some advanced features of the game. In any case, after an approach marked by various changes in the image of the social profile of the PC Game Pass Twitter account, there is finally the official announcement of the arrival of the game in the Microsoft service, which clearly represents an important entry for this August. 2022.
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Death Stranding confirmed for Game Pass
Earlier this week, Death Stranding was heavily teased by the PC Game Pass account on Twitter, which led to most people thinking the Kojima Productions hit was going to be added for Microsoft's subscription service.
And sure enough, now this has been confirmed and it will be added on August 23. On Xbox Wire we can read that the game will have 'such features as ultrawide mode, photo mode, high frame rate, and cross-over content from some very well-known franchises'. You will of course also be able to get Xbox Achievements for the game. People playing the Game Pass version will also be treated to:
• Chiral Gold / Omnireflector 'Ludens Mask' Sunglasses (Color Variant)• Gold and Silver Power Skeleton• Gold and Silver All-Terrain Skeleton• Gold and Silver Armor Plate
It should be pointed out that this only applies to the PC version of Game Pass and is the base game (not the Director's Cut), but the Director of Global Community at 505 Games, Antonela Pounder, says we can expect a 'Q&A guide' which should explain more. If Death Stranding for Game Pass supports cloud gaming as well, then it will be playable on Xbox as well (and smartphones, tablets, old laptops and so on).
Check out the Game Pass trailer for Death Stranding below.