The brick artist has spent hundreds of hours of his free time to collect as much material as possible to prepare his mission: in addition to expertly probing all the original architectural descriptions described by J. K. Rowling in the various novels, he has observed the clearer shots in the various films and also based himself on a sort of map released on the occasion of the sixth chapter in theaters, he also made extensive use of photos and videos of the scale model at the shooting studios in London. The result is shown in the video released on Reddit with a sort of exploratory flight outside the school and in the various rooms and interiors.
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The work took so long that in the meantime Minecraft has been updated several times, including for example new elements that were better in terms of graphics and adherence to the theme. One example is that of candles, which were only recently introduced in the game and which Ducky now wants to replace, one by one, the floating torches originally placed around the school.
The big difference with the other existing map dedicated to Harry Potter and titled Witchcraft and Wizardry is that this one was made by a single user and not by an entire team as for the work of The Floo Network. According to the author, the most complicated parts were Mirtilla Warren's bathroom and the Qidditch field due to the difficulty of aligning all the elements ad hoc. Soon the complete map will be downloadable, so that all fans can explore it in every corner. Speaking of Harry Potter, here are the best gadgets and accessories to collect or give away.