The extension on the cut in excise duties Consequently, the government has once again extended the cut in the excise duty on fuel. According to the current framework, the discounts on petrol should have expired on 20 September, but the intention to extend them had already been announced at the beginning of August with the launch of the Aid bis decree.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco, and the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, have signed the inter-ministerial decree which extends the measures currently in force to reduce the final price of fuels. The cut of 30 cents per liter for gasoline, diesel, LPG and methane for motor vehicles is thus extended up to that date.
How it has worked so far The reason why the measure was not extended already at the beginning of August with the Aid bis decree is that we had to wait for the data on the July VAT extra-revenue, with which the measure, at least partially, it finances itself. The generalized increases in prices have in fact resulted in higher revenues in the state coffers, which have been reinvested to this extent.
What if that's not enough? However, according to the consumer association Assoutenti, the extension of the cut in excise duties may not be enough. According to President Furio Truzzi, "long-term and structural solutions" are needed, because with the continuous rise in prices, cutting excise duties may no longer be enough to guarantee sustainable prices for consumers.