A small number of creators over 18 in the United States and in Canada they will now be able to sell virtual items within Horizon, to embellish their avatars, or offer paid access to a portion of a world they invented. Selected users will be able to create their own items to sell, Horizon said with an article on its blog.
The latest Horizon update pushes the hitherto free platform towards the creation of a trade internal, as had already been announced. However, the objects purchased in the "metaverse" will not yet be able to be transferred and used in other apps of the Meta family, but this seems to be one of the next steps the company aspires to.
From the screens shared by Horizon, purchases on the platform will be in dollars for the time being, even if, according to the latest rumors, Meta's financial technologies division, Meta Financial Technologies, is working on the development of digital currencies for in-app payments. For now, Horizon Worlds will take a 25 percent percentage of any sales after app store fees, writes The Verge.
Facebook founder and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced these test in a video recorded on Horizon, saying that it was necessary to experiment with this type of monetization opportunity to find "a winning formula". Zuckerberg added that more tools will be added in the future based on response from Horizon users.
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The company also hopes to attract more creators to Horizon, which currently has 300,000 monthly users and 10,000 worlds created. Last fall, Meta launched a ten million dollar fund for creators, and the company has now said it will release new resources to simplify the creation of Horizon worlds.
Horizon Worlds will also be tested. Creator Bonus in the United States. These are monthly programs where creators are paid at the end of the month based on their progress towards a goal. Creator bonuses will not be subject to commission and will be paid in full. Added to this will be an acceleration program and contests for creators such as Spring Jam 2022.