Ultra-diffuse galaxies such as GAMA 526784 have a number of peculiarities. For example, their abundance of dark matter can be extremely low or extremely high: some ultra-diffuse galaxies have been observed with an almost complete lack of dark matter, while others are composed of almost nothing but dark matter. Another peculiarity of this class of galaxies is their unusual abundance of luminous globular clusters, something not observed in other types of galaxies.
credits: NASA / ESA Hubble if ( jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_scienze_d_mh2_1"). This image comes from a series of Hubble observations designed to shed light on the properties of ultra-diffuse galaxies. The quality of the Hubble images allowed astronomers to study GAMA 526784 in high resolution at ultraviolet wavelengths, helping to measure the size and age of the compact star-forming regions that dot the galaxy.