Nintendo amiibo: the latest models can be scanned right in the box

Nintendo amiibo: the latest models can be scanned right in the box

Nintendo amiibo

Through some online reports, we discover that the most recent Nintendo amiibo models proposed by the Kyoto company do not have NFC anti-reading protection and can therefore be scanned directly inside the box.

The information has been shared to example from the AmiiboNews Twitter account, as you can see below. He writes: "Fun fact: Since the re-release of Kirby's amiibo, Nintendo has removed the sheet that prevented the amiibo from being scanned while it was in the box. Collectors, rejoice!".

In fact, this is excellent news for those who want to collect amiibo but at the same time be able to activate the bonuses of these items within the games. A user on Twitter, in fact, reports that he bought two copies of the Min Min amiibo from Super Smash Bros. and then discovered that the protection sheet is not present. The user himself actually claims to be worried as this does not prevent players from scanning amiibo without purchasing them, directly in the shop.

What do you think?

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PSA: You Might Not Need To Unbox The New Smash Bros. amiibo To Use It

Min Min Super Smash Bros. UItimate amiibo (Nintendo)Image: via NIntendo NYC on Twitter

As you've probably seen, the new Min Min Super Smash Bros. Ultimate amiibo is now available in-store. If you are planning on adding this one to your collection, here's your PSA that this new amiibo based on the fighter from the ARMS series might not actually need to be unboxed to be used.

As highlighted by a user (with a North American Min Min model) on the amiibo subreddit, this new amiibo's packaging may not have an 'NFC blocker tag', which prevents Nintendo fans from scanning the NFC figure while it's still inside the box.

There are all sorts of theories floating about as to why this particular amiibo can be scanned, but it seems this change might have happened before Min Min - with the Twitter account 'Amiibo News' noting how this has supposedly been possible since the re-release of Kirby amiibo:

@AmiiboNews - 'Fun fact: Starting with the re-release of the Kirby amiibo, Nintendo removed the foil that prevented you from scanning amiibo while in the box. In-box collectors rejoice!'

We tested out our own boxed Min Min amiibo here at Nintendo Life and were also able to successfully scan it into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Have you had any luck yourself? Leave a comment down below.

Min Min is scanable in Box. No NFC blocker tag. Is Nintendo just throwing NiB collectors a bone or showing they care less about amiibo? from amiibo