Thanks to funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is making 500 million euros available to help Municipalities make their services more efficient digital. 40% of these resources are destined for the Municipalities of the South (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily). The objective of the notice ("Cloud enablement for local PAs") is to support the migration to qualified cloud solutions to ensure reliable and secure services, in line with what is defined within the Italy Cloud Strategy.
How to participate and timing Entities can access the 2026 digital PA platform (https://padigitale2026.gov.it), request funds and receive dedicated assistance. Municipalities that have yet to start the migration path or that have started it starting from 1 February 2020 can participate.
Municipalities do not have to submit projects to obtain funding: it will suffice to define some parameters within the application including the size of the implementing body, the number of services to be migrated and the methods of migration. The economic amount of the voucher is defined by the Department based on the size of the entity (number of inhabitants) and the type of migration selected for each of the services.
The deadline for submitting applications is July 22, 2022. From the publication of the notice onwards, time windows of 30 days are envisaged, at the end of which the Department will finance the applications received in the reference period.
Before submitting the application, each municipality must proceed with the classification of its data and services, according to the criteria defined by the National Cybersecurity Agency in line with the Italy Cloud Strategy. The classification is open to all public administrations and must be completed by 18 July 2022.