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The obviously ironic tweet alludes to a return from the world of the "dead" and dates back to last July 22, but it had been anticipated in the previous days by other social messages that referred to the NFT and the #Bennifer wedding, complete with cover of Gigli, a historically horrendous film starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck ("Never had to charge late delivery for this film," the account wrote wryly). It is not clear why, after years of silence, this social profile is back active, among other things by adopting a particularly ironic and fun style, without further official announcements.
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A brief return of the same account had already been seen in August 2020, to be honest, when it was a collaboration with AirBnb has been activated: the short-term rental site had opened an old shop in Bend, Oregon, to the public for a special 90s themed evening:
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What is the occasion that has motivated this new comeback? Obviously, hypotheses and speculations have been unleashed on the web, but the theory that video rental can have an effective rebirth is very remote. The most likely scenario is that of a clever marketing move. From whom? But just Netflix, or the company that essentially accelerated Blockbuster's decline. In fact, the streaming platform has a rom-com in the pipeline starring the actors Randall Park and Melissa Fumero which will focus on the last store of the surviving chain. The arrival of this project seems closer than one might think if this communication operation has already been implemented. The mystery, therefore, could soon be revealed.