After a regulatory process that lasted over eight months, the bonus for separated parents that was introduced during the parliamentary conversion thanks to an amendment to the Sostegni decree proposed by the League has become a reality. The measure
is designed to help separated parents in a state of need who must provide for their own maintenance and that of their children: "It is a measure that has had a long process, because in the formulation with which the League had presented it was in fact inapplicable ”- said the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family Elena Bonetti. "It was good in most of the intentions but it was necessary to modify it to make it applicable and fair to all children of separated couples." 8174 euros in the year in which support is requested. In addition, the applicant must prove that he has suffered a reduction or suspension of work from 8 March 2020 for at least 90 days. Alternatively,
it will be necessary to prove that you have had a decrease in income of at least 30% between 2019 and 2020. Finally, the bonus will be paid exclusively to parents who, between 8 March 2020 and 31 March 2022, have not received the maintenance allowance or have received it only partially.
It is important to keep in mind that although the support is colloquially known as a "separate fathers bonus", mothers, if they meet the criteria set out here, will also be eligible to receive it.
How much it is worth The amount that will be paid to each eligible applicant can reach 800 euros per month for a total of 9600 euros per year. The contribution has a duration of one year and will also be paid to separated parents of severely handicapped adult children. It should also be noted that the government allocation for this measure amounts to € 10 million; the bonus will then be paid based on the availability of the fund and the number of applicants, until resources are exhausted.
How to apply The implementing decree with precise indications on the disbursement process
has not yet been published, but the details for submitting the application will be provided on the website of the Department for Family Policies as soon as they are available.