Ubisoft has well thought out to further warm up these hot summer days by launching a roundup of great offers on its Ubisoft Store, with discounts of up to 80% on many games. Among them works such as the immense The Crew 2, which will allow you to explore km after km on the most varied means, in addition to the inevitable Far Cry and Assassin's Creed. All for a few more days: if you are interested in taking advantage of discounts of up to 80% on many games on the Ubisoft Store, our advice is to do it very quickly.the crew 2 Among the numerous video games on offer on the Ubisoft Store we can for example find the aforementioned The Crew 2, available at 10 and 18 euros respectively in its Standard and Gold edition, Riders Republic, Steep, Trials Rising and many more. In short, a particularly delicious selection, also filled with many special editions, see for example the Gold or Ultimate editions, and countless DLCs capable of enriching the overall experience even more. All, as previously mentioned, with discounts of up to 80%, making this wave of offers on the Ubisoft Store particularly advantageous.
Read also: God of War Ragnarok pre-orders are open: where to buy it at the best price To stay updated on all the best discounts, which obviously do not end with those on the Ubisoft Store, we also refer you to ours three Telegram channels dedicated to offers, where you can promptly receive information on all the best offers in progress on the various stores, with specific channels dedicated to: Offers, Hardware & Tech and Clothing and Sports. Happy shopping!
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AC Liberation
UbisoftUpdate: Ubisoft in a statement to IGN says this is a misunderstanding and the storefront information is wrong.
As stated in our support article, only DLCs and online features will be affected by the upcoming decommissioning. Current owners of those games will still be able to access, play or redownload them. Our teams are working with our partners to update this information across all storefronts and are also assessing all available options for players who will be impacted when these games’ online services are decommissioned on September 1st, 2022. It has always been our intention to do everything in our power to allow those legacy titles to remain available in the best possible conditions for players, and this is what we are working towards.
Original article follows:
What many gamers long feared about the digital download age is upon us, at least to a minor extent. A number of Ubisoft games and DLCs are no longer for sale on Steam, and there are notices going up that the content itself will no longer be accessible as of September 1. Yes, even if you bought it outright.
One of the most prominent examples is the entirety of Assassin’s Creed Liberation DLC, which was only recently on sale on Steam for 75% off, but players are now being told that purchase will effectively be deleted in less than two months. While Liberation is still available as part of an AC3 bundle, that would require players to…purchase another game to get the game that was just taken from them, that they’d already bought.
While this is not the first time this has ever happened, this is probably the highest profile example we’ve seen with a developer and a recognizable game series. Additionally complicated is the fact that Ubisoft apparently greenlit a sale of Liberation days ago when they clearly knew it would be inaccessible a short while after, hence the new “very negative” review barrage on Steam. No word yet on if players will be compensated in some way.
We’ve seen things sort of like this happen. Warcraft 3 Reforged replaced the original game if you owned it, meaning you could no longer go back to the old version you bought (which was a particular problem given the launch state of Reforged).
Even if Assassin’s Creed Liberation is an eight year old game, the common notion is that it shouldn’t matter, and that a purchase should be a purchase. This feels like a big “I told you so” moment from those types of players who continue to extoll the virtues of physical media.
The problem is, we are fast approaching a point where physical media won’t even matter. Many games, even single player ones, require access to online services in order to play. So eventually, whether you own the physical disc or not, if a company turns off those servers, you will probably not be able to play anyway. That’s happened on some multiplayer games already, but I would expect it to happen to more single player titles in the future as the industry moves into the “always online” model no one wanted, but ended up being inevitable.
Ubisoft is also removing online support for various aspects of 15 games in total. It does not mean these games will not function at all, but certain aspects like multiplayer or account linking won’t work anymore. But yes, for some DLCs like Liberation, that means they won’t be able to played period. The list, and the explanations. Behold, the future:
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed 3 (2012 Release)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Driver San Francisco
Far Cry 3 (2012 Release)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Rayman Legends
Silent Hunter 5
Space Junkies
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
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