Credits Tom Claes via Unsplash
What the Highway Code says
Unfortunately, the CDS does not accurately define the situation in any of its 200 or more articles, but there are some rules that could be applied during such a circumstance. For example, Article 115 paragraph 1 reminds that "those who drive vehicles or lead animals must be suitable for physical and psychological requirements" while Article 141 paragraph 2 defines that "the driver must always keep control of his vehicle and be able to carry out all the necessary maneuvers in safety conditions ". Do not forget the Art. 169 which increases the dose "in all vehicles the driver must have the greatest freedom of movement to carry out the maneuvers necessary for driving".| ); }In light of this, we remind you that since there is no specific rule, whoever stops you could interpret the CdS in a different way. In this regard, we remind you that those who violate Art. 115 is subject to a fine from 87 to 345 euros, while those who do not comply with Art. 141 could receive a penalty ranging from 42 to 187 euros. The biggest problems could come in the insurance field, the company in the event of a claim could refuse, based on the contractual clauses, to recognize the compensation for damages.