In this context, the arrival of a seductive femme fatale and the mysterious disappearance of a load of microchips trigger a series of events with an unpredictable ending. All the episodes of the podcast are available on Spreaker and Spotify.
AI Confidential is part of the already dense schedule of Spindox Radio which hosts entertainment podcasts such as Mai Dire Calcio (two seasons) and Ubliquo, and corporate culture formats as Voices from Management.
With this format Spindox wants to take the concept of corporate radio to the extreme, exploiting all the potential of the radio medium which has been rediscovering a new golden age in recent years. AI Confidential's goal is twofold.
Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels On the one hand to attract a heterogeneous audience that through fictional narration can familiarize themselves with typical concepts of artificial intelligence such as digital twin, image recognition and demad sensing, on the other hand to make reality known of Spindox through the adventures of Jack and Arti who will use the help of the group's brands to solve their investigations: from aHead Research to Spindox Labs, from Ublique to Dogix via Oplium.
«AI Confidential si inserts into the transmedia communication strategy that Spindox has been undertaking for some years now. We want to go beyond mere communication and promotion, to offer real cultural products to be enjoyed regardless of the business "declared Paolo Costa, Spindox Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.
«AI Confidential, regardless of its vocation for awareness, is a product we strongly believe in, both for writing and for production. We believe that it can represent a virtuous example for those who want to use the radio medium effectively and creatively ".