On metaverse and cryptocurrencies Facebook wants to demonstrate that it is doing on the Serious Meta, Mark Zuckerberg's company, opens its virtual reality multiplayer platform, Horizon Worlds, to all over 18s in the United States and Canada. And some American WhatsApp users will be able to send and receive payments through Novi, the cryptocurrency wallet Born under the name of Calibra, Novi was designed as a digital wallet for Meta's stablecoin, initially known as Libra and later renamed Diem. The digital currency was then abandoned also due to the pressure exerted by the United States government, according to which the development of its own currency would have led to "an excessive concentration of power" and "advantages in accessing credit or using data. to market or restrict access to products ”for the tech giant.
From 21 July 2022, users will lose the ability to add money to their accounts and Novi's WhatsApp account and app will be disabled. Later, when the project is permanently closed, it will no longer be possible to access the transaction history and all other data.
Although Novi has come to an end, Meta has stated that it wants to reuse the technology for future products, such as the metaverse, even though it is not clear what exactly the company has in mind. "We are already using the years invested in building Meta's capabilities on the blockchain to introduce new products, such as digital collectibles," Meta said in a statement reported by CoinDesk. And again: "You can expect to see more from us on Web3, because we are very optimistic about the value that these technologies can bring to people and companies in the metaverse." In fact, Meta has already increased its efforts to introduce non-tokens. fungible (Nft) on its platforms.