Cranz starts from a simple premise: playing on the phone using the cloud is impractical. The editor claims to have tried a variety of games, from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to all of the Halo and Gears of War games available. He didn't miss a single lap in Red Dead Redemption 2. The result? A disaster . “Cloud gaming drains my phone's battery in a very short time. If once for me playing in the airport in the cloud could have meant witnessing a miracle, now it is no longer the case. I'm much more concerned with finding a socket to charge my smartphone than following a game's storyline. I still need my phone to be active during the trip ”, Cranz said, who then lists other problems, such as interrupting sessions to respond to messages and annoying notifications.| ); }
“Actually, playing in the cloud on Steam Deck should be a last resort, but it's actually like if this device was designed for this feature, ”continued Cranz. And perhaps Microsoft also knows: some speculations point to the release of Xbox Series Y, a device designed and designed only to play online. The only obstacle at this point could be the price: a hi-tech object, with a high cost, could represent a barrier for many users.