If the 5 Star Movement had fined the defectors
According to press rumors, the possible vote of confidence today, Wednesday 20 July, in the Draghi government, sent back to the Chambers by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella after his resignation, could lead to the umpteenth split of what remains of the parliamentary groups of the Movement 5 Stars. Already that party that wanted to change the Constitution to introduce the mandate obligation. And he threatened fines of 100,000 euros to those Grillini parliamentarians who had decided to change their coat during the term in progress. If he had done so, he would have today 16.4 million euros in cash.Yes, because there are 164 "wonderful guys", to use an expression of the pentastellato leader Beppe Grillo, who from 2018 to today have preferred to marry elsewhere. And against which the dreaded sanction does not seem to have been applied. To reconstruct what happened, sportsgaming.win relied on the data collected and disseminated by OpenPolis on the openparlamento.it platform. This is the situation in the Chamber, where the grillino diapora now counts 117 fewer units than at the beginning of the legislature (in reality the farewells are 118, but there is a member of parliament who has instead joined the grillino group).
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More than half of former Grillini deputies have joined the mixed group. Another substantial share, equal to 51, followed the former political leader Luigi Di Maio in the new adventure of Together for the future. But there are also those who joined the League, some in the Forza Italia of the hated (by the grillini) Silvio Berlusconi, some even in what was branded by the same foreign minister, then deputy premier, as the "party of Bibbiano". Or the Democratic Party.
This, however, is the situation at Palazzo Madama, where there were 47 splits, out of a total of 108 senators who took office after the 2018 elections:
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In this case, the collector for the senators fleeing from Grillismo was the mixed group, which welcomed 39 . In total, therefore, there are 164 farewells to 5-star parliamentary groups. If the political leader had applied the announced fines, with strokes of 100 thousand euros each, 16.4 million euros would have entered the coffers of the Movement.
Money this political force would need, if it is true as it is It is true that last December he had broken yet another of his taboos with a vote of the members that opened the possibility of receiving public funding through the 2 x thousand. Now, in 2021, the entire constitutional period received € 18.6 million from citizens' tax returns. On balance, the M5S would in any case be better off fining the defectors: who knows that with the possible splits of today it might not really decide to do so.
The solar system could collapse because of a passing star, scientists predict
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Scientists have warned that if a passing star moves Neptune’s orbit by just 0.1 per cent, the resulting chaos could cause the other planets in our solar system to collide.
The research, presented in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, suggests that a “stellar flyby” - a relatively common occurance in the universe - could be enough to sent the other planets crashing into each other.
It is possible that if Mercury and Jupiter’s perihelion - the point at which the planets reach closest to the Sun - fall in sync, two possibilities could occur. Mercury could be pulled out of its orbit and either shoot out of the Solar System or head on a collision course with Venus, the Sun, or the Earth.
These changes will happen over millions of years, but the researchers simulated the situation around 3,000 times.
In nearly 2,000 of them, 26 ended with the planets smashing into each other, or Uranus, Neptune, or Mercury being ejected from the Solar System completely.
“The full extent that stellar flybys play in the evolution of planetary systems is still an active area of research. For planetary systems that form in a star cluster, the consensus is that stellar flybys play an important role while the planetary system remains within the star cluster”, Garett Brown, a graduate student of computational physics from the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (PES) at the University of Toronto, told Universe Today.
“This is typically the first 100 million years of planetary evolution. After the star cluster dissipates the occurrence rate of stellar flybys dramatically decreases, reducing their role in the evolution of planetary systems.”
Moreover, considering that the Sun is likely to expand and engulf the planet in five billion years, the likelihood that this will disrupt our experience in the Solar System is “not an issue we need to worry about,” said Brown.