Nintendo has registered a new brand of Donkey Kong

Nintendo has registered a new brand of Donkey Kong

While Nintendo itself has stated that it's unrealistic to produce sequels or remakes of all of its IPs, something for Donkey Kong seems to be moving. Over the last few days, in fact, the Japanese giant has updated the brand of the franchise, but has also registered new ones. The news, reported by The Gamer, certainly seems fascinating, but it may not be what we expect.

Let's go in order: as reported online, the new Donkey Kong brand has been registered from the Kyoto house, but it doesn't appear to belong to a specific video game. Unlike other codes and other notes that have already anticipated some releases of new games in the past, this time the Japanese giant was more vague. The new registration concerns video games, but refers more to “downloadable executables for portable electronic devices and consoles”. This is clearly an important clue: no new IP on the horizon. Easier, however, an old game ported to Nintendo Switch.| ); }
Over the last year, more and more alleged insiders and leakers would claim that a new Donkey Kong game would be in the pipeline. At present, however, it is really difficult to believe these rumors. As always, it will be better to wait for a possible official announcement on the matter. Continue to follow geekinco for all the news and announcements in the pipeline from the world of video games.