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Some TikTok users have noticed how, at least visually , the torture that Vecna inflicts on the people she manipulates is quite similar to a scene that appears in the ninth season of The Simpsons, in fact. In the twelfth episode entitled Bart carousel, Homer and his son get into trouble in an amusement park and are forced to host the carousel Cooper (who in Italian has the voice of Vittorio Sgarbi) and his son Spud at home; the latter, to impress Lisa, shows her how he manages to disarticulate all the joints of his limbs. Of course, no demonic possession or Upside Down creature is involved here, but the way Spud writhes is strikingly similar to what happens in the Netflix title.
The strange prophecies related to The Simpsons do not seem to stop and there are those who say that they have somehow also prophesied events in our home, not in the original American scripts but in the field of dubbing. For example, in the now distant 2006 Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi, today fresh from separation but then still one of the Italian golden couples, lent their voices to a couple of characters in the 17th season of the series: in the episode Homer and Marge do a couple's game the couple from Springfield help baseball player Buck Mitchell and provocative wife Tabitha Vixx, voiced by Totti and Blasi, to overcome a marriage crisis. In the case of the animated series, however, the two are back together.