According to Il Sole 24 Ore, the simplest solution would be to integrate the question into the self-declaration form that employees must still hand over to their employer in order to obtain the benefit. In fact, however, no official confirmations have arrived.
Bonus 200 euros What you need to know about July aid for workers and retirees against inflation
Arrow Introduced with the Aid decree to help the approximately 31 million beneficiaries to support the increase in costs given by current inflation, the 200 euro bonus is a one-off contribution, i.e. paid only once to most citizens whose gross income in 2021 was less than 35,000 euros. Employees, pensioners, domestic workers, the unemployed, holders of coordinated and continuous collaboration relationships (co.co.co) and seasonal workers in tourism and entertainment were part of the audience.
The controversy over the disbursement process of the bonus for the different categories has already been different, and in particular concerned the self-declaration provided for employees, who had to certify that they have not already received the 200 euros, complicating a procedure presented as automatic. The self-certification issue caused uncertainty also because the observation period useful to determine ownership at 0.80%, identified by law in the first four months of 2022, was then extended to 23 June by the joint will of the Ministry of Labor and of the INPS. The insertion of the temporal addendum therefore forced the companies that, to take advantage, had already identified the beneficiaries to reopen the operation in order to be able to insert the new beneficiaries. There is no doubt that, if the € 200 bonus is re-proposed over the next few months, there is room for improvement in terms of clarity and simplification of the operation.